Monday, March 21, 2016

2nd firing

2nd firing results:

Small yarn bowl #2:
Bottom: Jeff's Red
Top: Ice Blue

Supposedly had a top rim-ring of Dark Metal, however results do not show any such thing. I wonder if I wrote it down and didn't actually do it. There is a mark on the inside bottom, I wonder if I had put a bottom ring.
Inside: Bathroom White

Note: I was pleased with how glassy the top layer of the small bowl was, however not so pleased about the dots showing up. * Must try Ice Blue over turquoise.

 I am very disappointing that there is so little colour on this bowl, except on the foot. I am please about the speckled look, as I might want to use that in the future. But overall, a disappointing small bowl, with underwhelming colour.

#3 Medium-small yarn bowl:
Eggshell Blue bottom, Top rim of dark metal, which was waxed before putting a middle stripe of cream rutile. Inside: cream rutile.

I'm happier with this bowl in that all the mix of colours gives it a bit of dynamic, however I didn't expect the top rim to spread so much. I'm a bit dissapointed with how overall dark it is. I was going for a very neat green / yellow I've seen others achieve. It's interesting to note the bloom patter of blue white in the center however, there was a slight gouge or line in the clay, that I hadn't meant to do. Just enough for some glaze to sink in, and .. the blue blooms are a result. It saves the bowl from being overall hideous.

#4 Shhhh... Now you may speak yarn bowl
Outside: Peach Black over Mamo -
Inside: Rutile over eggshell

re: Tannis showed me a  picture of a pot done by her father with this combo. It turned out canary yellow for him, and he only put the mamo over the top half. I wish now I'd left the bottom half blank, so that I could hopefully see more of a two tone. I'm hoping it doesn't run, she said it was stable, however I did two coats over the whole outside of the bowl. Whereas he'd done only the upper 1/4 in Mamo, and it seemed to run halfway down the bowl. So we'll see what happens. It should be done tomorrow, if it's not already. I am eager to see what happens.

Shhhhh bow before bisquing.

I find that the bowl shaping and the final decorating are my favorite parts. I'm very eager to get into the studio with 6 pleasant shapes to decorate. I've been reading a lot on under-glazing and looking up different decorating technique. The limited studio access and time is driving me bonkers. Why can't I just have a studio to play in for a week! Yeesh!

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