Wednesday, March 9, 2016

In the works

Despite all the trouble I've had with this Mom's Bowl #5, I'm very eager to see it done. I had the bowl thrown and drying for about 4 days by the time I finally received the roller for the rim pattern. So by the time I got into the studio, it was fairly hard. I rolled out a large ribbon with the flat roller, then applied this patter via the MKM roller. I scored and added slip. You an see the difference in dryness vie the color in the bowl and rim. I was an absolute moron and forgot to put in needle holes at the time, so did them the next day with the pot even dryer and of course it didn't' work too well, not only that, but OF COURSE my punches came the bloody day after so I made holes using scalpel ect. I checked on it a few days later, and as to be expected there was a good deal of cracking in the ribbon. I did my best to repair what I could. Of course it cracked all the more after that. I can only hope that pieces don't crack completely off in the firings. I haven't been able to recreate this shape since, so... I really am praying this one works out so I can surprise mom with it as a late birthday gift, she doesn't' even know I've started pottery. My plan is to put it on a spinning wheel and spin it while doing "skid marks" of various shades of cream, beige and white. The ribbon I'm still not decided on.. I know I want some areas of the lines and dots to be black, but I think all of it would be too much. Perhaps I can find some grey as well. Anyway. I have my fingers crossed. I was so intent on getting a duplicate to re-do the ribbon on, and hopefully have a better product for mom, that I was so anxious and grumpy that I haven't had any success throwing since. Something always seems to come up. Either games, or massages, or for Saturday, I show up and end up helping out cleaning buckets and sticks.. so that I could get something fired.. which has happened the last two Saturdays. But Murphy's law mom's pot had yet to be bisque. I was so pissed. Oh well. By the time I was done helping, I was so tired, and not in the right emotional state from disappointment that I didn't even try throwing. I'll try again tomorrow, and supposedly the studio will be open all of Easter Monday, so I plan to go in then for a number of hours. 

The "Shhhhh" pot pre-trim and bisque:

Two other small bowls. I was tempted not to bother and just recycle them, but I wanted to play with more glazes. The larger one isn't terrible, it has a nice shape, it's just so tiny. But nicer than the one I made for Meg. The second one.. I only really kept as it's my first example of a double string hole. 

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